Friday, September 19, 2008


奶粉的问题已经成了全世界关注的问题。梁文道的节目中请来了一位商学院的教授,教授振振有词地说三鹿会成为一个典型的商学院案例,还细致分析了各道环节中存在的问题。现在商学院中的“诚信”,是一个外来词,不过最早的翻译让这个词出现歧义,如果将“诚信”一词译为英文,不是honesty,就是 loyalty。大错特错了,英文中的”诚信“是integrity,市场诚信是一个系统,所以有”system intergration“。简单一点,就是任何一个环节都要保证。回顾美国历史上任何一次大型企业的危机,世通、安然,无不是中间的一个环节出了问题,最后导致全线崩溃。因此中文中的”诚信“与商业无关,如果一定要求从商者都有非常高的道德水准,或许就没有商业了。





Revaluation of risk
During the 2007 subprime mortgage crisis, Alt-A mortgages came under particular scrutiny.
One problem associated with Alt-A loans is the lack of necessary proof or documentation needed to be approved for a loan. Thus, lenders may be inclined to suggest borrowers skew their incomes or assets in order to qualify for a larger loan; in the long run, the borrowers may turn out to be unable to afford their payments but the lenders still collect a hefty profit. Because Alt-A loans are also the financing of choice for most non-owner occupied, investment properties, as a class they represent a far greater likelihood of borrower default than conventional, conforming mortgages, since people are more likely to abandon a property in which they do not live than they are to risk losing their primary homes. As of 2008, there was strong evidence of weakness among securities backed by Alt-A mortgages for reasons similar to the crisis in those backed by subprime.
Because Alt-A loans were not primarily purchased by the GSEs, they thus became more expensive and much harder to find as a result of the general crisis in markets for mortgage-backed securities. Alt-A loans were still available from individual institutions which held them "in portfolio" rather than re-selling them to investors, and as of mid-2008 there was a strong push for the FNMA and FHLMC to be permitted to buy more of them. However, the interest rates in this lending category increased substantially between 2006 and 2008 as a result of the shrinking secondary market.


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